Monday, March 26, 2007

Sure Juror @ Bryn Mawr (pt. 4)

(Photo by Kevin Convery)

I’m back again to offer a précis for anyone that may have missed us this past Saturday at Bryn Mawr…

This was our fourth time at Bryn Mawr in the past 2 years. It’s always a blast, and I always end up drinking too much tequila, but that last part really doesn’t matter, does it?

The night was suppose to start around 9pm, but due to some slight confusion with directions, our PA didn’t arrive until shortly before 9:30pm We unloaded the speakers while openers Water Sports set up. I haven’t seen Water Sports since this summer when we were playing shows in the area prior to finishing Smut, and with the addition of a keyboard player their songs filled out rather nicely. I enjoyed their set, and hope they put out a record sometime soon.

Sometime after eleven o’clock we took up our various instruments and began doing what we do best. A quick set of “Sure Juror” songs got the crowd in the mood, and then another hour or so of covers and some unreleased song and what not to satisfy the mob.

It was hot. The boys were sweaty. The tequila was warm, and so was the beer. Everyone danced until they couldn’t stand. It’s always a good time inside Radnor’s lounge, and hopefully this won’t be our last time playing Bryn Mawr.


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