Track 04 – Thank You in Advance
The last song we recorded for the first record. This was about porn addiction and God. Chords are Am-C-F-Dm(aug)7 E7(add 9)-D6-F#m-D-Gm(aug)6-D-Bm-E-A Bb-Gm-C-F G#-Aaug-D#-Eaug-Fm-D#-C#-Cadd4-C. Words are “you shout out slogans while you sleep/a dream full of actors you can’t believe/a laundry list of dirty words, some milk/we’re so ugly it’s almost cute/they won’t come knocking at your door/this time I can truly say it was not my fault/I’ve never been hungover like this before at all/next time let’s pretend that you were impressed by me/you believe all the promises you knew I’d never keep/here’s some more clumsy anecdotes on love in the next ice age/a flirting compassion minus the embarrassed sincerity/oh there is a line/you’ve been slowly losing your mind/the corner is dark with the integrity lost by faking a name and your fame/this is turning into one awkward conversation about if I’m truly happy with life/no I couldn’t have asked for a more effective waste of my time/in so many words, I’ve come all this way to thank you in advance/a fistful of tarot cards been dotting her eyes with hearts/let’s take the time to feel less than at ease with ourselves/I’m taking you home/you need some time to be left alone/in the quietest house, I went soft in your mouth/there’s no one to blame, it’s just a shame.”-midgie-widgie.
Sure Juror - Thank You In Advance
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