Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Track 03 – Sleeping Pill (what to do the morning after)
Written after driving across the country by myself with no car stereo. I was going crazy by myself and when I got back home my legs couldn’t work properly for days. I wrote this song from that. Chords are Bb-Db-Gm-Eb F-Fm-Bb-Bbm-F-Gm-C-Gm(aug)7 C-C7-F-Dm(aug)7-G-E7-Am-G6-F-Dm(aug)7-C. I’m not writing the lyrics out cos they’re long and they embarrass me. –midge.

Sleeping Pill (What To Do The Morning After) - Sure Juror

smut is nearly done. should probably write another song for it, but not sure if its nec'sary yet. as it is, however, we've got a heap of songs all tracked awaiting mixing, and a smattering of songs in need of a couple more flourishes (technical stuff...you wouldnt understand). artwork is underway. hope to have the damn thing finished by summer's end.
let's have a look at some of the songs we're working with...
emotional bedwetting at the heart of the delaware
making friends has never been so easy
harry reems and the bill of rights
broken crayons
the once-great gender debate
barking dogs (pt 1)
underwater touchdown (pfft pfft)
happy camper
christmas shopping
barking dogs (pt 2)
words you like
an overreaction
sure juror goes to the beach
threnody for jonbenet ramsey
a small mechanical district (7-9)
nothing but patient

k con's setting up a darkroom in our basement and playing resident evil 4 all day and night.
im listening to a lot of morrissey and watching nip/tuck.
sean's stopped sleeping and got a new job.
luke's floating around post-grad.
david's doing his thing.
joe's been around.
tre got a haircut.
amy wants to go to the beach tomorrow.
drew got heatstroke and hurt his knee.
the cats are acting weird.
maxi is sleeping next to me.
my foot hurts.

-midgito motherfuckin' vito

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Track 02 – GAWd
The only song I’ve written stoned. About a particular girlfriend, work, and shit, not about God. Chords are Am-C-F-D7 C-Em-F-D7 C-Em-C-E(maj)7-D C-Em-C-Em-C-Em-F-Fm C-Em-F-Fm Am-C-F-D7. Words are “if you’d chose to live here, you’d be home now/you would be lost without your latest comrades/I gotta go but they can stay round/Cayla’s not at home but will be later/you can’t short change me like your dollar bills/I won’t change by standing still/if you’re gone too long, you’ll miss the tv/you’ll miss the happiness that comes from seeing your dreams lived out on that screen/after work, you’re tired and unhappy/you’re not surprised to find you’d got it all wrong/a hopeful ear pressed to the phone like “gawd, it’s awful funny we should meet”/oh the irony you pick out of your teeth/ “for so long I’ve felt somehow incomplete”/oh God, don’t say that/I’m dreaming about cheating as we speak/I’ve ate fast food reheated for 3 weeks now/I’ve been obsessing over the smallest things cos I’m trying to distract myself from the big things/we’ve built a home on false concern and flowers/there will be extra seats set at the table/napkins folded but we don’t use them/you’d feel right at home but you’d be thinking you’d be like heaven if you lost a few pounds.”-midge.

GAWd - Sure Juror

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Track 01 - ...(Dramatic Pause)

This is the first track from our first record. Listening to a lot of Beach Boys at the time. All vocals and feedback. Song’s about GWB. Chords are A-D-F#m-E-A. Words are “Never become your father/Never believe your friends/If you need something to believe in, carry a gun.” –midge.

…(Dramatic Pause) - Sure Juror

You’re Brilliant Strategies

So we made it…I would recommend not driving 25 out of 48 hours for a couple of shows unless it's worth it. And believe me seeing Oh No! Oh My! And The Robot Ate Me live for the first time was worth the deprivation of sleep we acquired on our journey. That was over 2 weeks ago (yea, we suck at this blog thing). A special thanks to Matt from You Ain’t No Picasso for allowing us to be part of his first WRFL show. We owe him a lot.

So now onto new business…

The recording of Smut reached its home stretch. It looks like we’ll hopefully bee finished with all the bare bone tracks in the next month or so. Only thing left is to fine tune and mix…(To be continued)

School is out, and we are in works with a few bands on a small tour in late July/early August. We’ll keep everyone posted via our myspace and of course on our trusty blog as well.

I leave you all with a song off the first record. I don’t sleep more then 3 hours a day anymore so I’ll have more time to post on here. Hope I wasn’t too boring.

Sean (Sure Juror)

Ex-Cuties - Sure Juror