Track 07 – Ex-Cuties
Ex-cuties is a cute little song about bad relationships (cos that was all I could bring myself to write about at that point in my life…these songs were written about 3 years ago, understand…I was only a kid at the time). Reeeeeegardless, its okay. Give it a try. Chords are mostly C-Dm(aug)7-C-E7-F-C-G. Words do something like this: “you won’t say the phrase that pays/our lines have been crossed for days/your talent is slowly going to waste/you’re not in the mood to dance/this party’s gotten out of hand/you’re making that face you know I can’t stand/your brilliant strategies waste more of Dad’s money/complaining we got no energy left to make it through to the weekend/if this is love, it won’t last/I’m no completist, I’ll take but I won’t finish/there’s something very charming about how you got lost driving your point home/if this is love, if won’t last/…/this is hardly our first fistfight/tradition don’t make it right/you knew I could never live up to the hype.” –get some. (midge).
Ex-Cuties - Sure Juror
That picture completes all unsolved mysteries our world has to offer.
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