Saturday, June 10, 2006

Track 08 – The Drive Will Do You Good
I thought this song sounded too much like the white stripes when I wrote it, so I kinda hated it for a while. I think its one of the better songs on the record now, however. ‘What’s it about?’, you ask. Mormon girls, unfortunately. Deal with it. I ripped off the wrens at the end (see 13 months in 6 minutes off Meadowlands). Chords: Em-A-G A7-G Em-A-G A7 Bm7-A7 Em-D-A7-G-Bm E(maj)7 G#-A(aug)-E-F#m(aug) E-B-A…etc. Words: “I might take you more seriously if the lights weren’t in your eyes/everything you’re telling me is a lie/I found my piece of heaven quietly sneaking out the back/everything’s been leading up to that/and as a matter of fact, each day’s a dimmer glimmer of the life I had mapped/a one-sheet exaggeration of a dream I once had of being cornered by the coroner saying ‘I’m so glad that you came’/I never thought you would change/I never thought you were strange/it’s just odd that you’ve been mingling for so long/forget all the mistakes you’ve made/they all get fixed while you’re away/girl, I’m sorry I ruined your family home evening/don’t know where you’re going but I can’t be too far behind/don’t know where you’re going and that’s just fine/tv warned me this shit’d kill me but I wasn’t listening/she’s barking like a caged bird/she won’t stop and think/you didn’t even say hi/you reorganized my furniture and laid down on your side/let’s stay friends by staying silent and let love pass us by/there’s an underlying urgency in how you waste time/the drive will do you good.” –midgie-widgie.

The Drive Will Do You Good - Sure Juror