Track 11 – Social Cheerleader
Kevin Convery is perhaps the only person in the world who likes this song. And that’s good enough for me. It’s about people who discover their worth through self-help books and repeat little mantras over and over to themselves. Fuck them. Words art “are you sure you want to be happy again?/you’ve bought books and you hope they can show you how/enemies acting friendly/everyone’s getting too involved in it/he’s standing barefoot in my backyard/there’s the luck he didn’t recognize til he lost it/it’s true I’ve never been good to you/but this Christmas it’s the least I can do/I didn’t realize you felt this way and have for a long time/you’ve got to make up your mind/it’s hard for me to understand/don’t count on me to stay your friend through it/you’ve got to live with what you are/ ‘everything is alright, everything is alright, everything is alright.’” –midge mcgibbons
Social Cheerleader - Sure Juror
Add me to what must be a long list of people who love this song.
Is there a lyrics page anywhere?
I love the music, I love the lyrics. I need to buy the albums. Expect to see my money and a post about your music soon.
Oh, I see the lyrics now. I'm infused with happiness. Please disregard that part of my comment.
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